Сварочные материалы
Сварочное оборудование
- Сварка электродом MMA
- Сварка в аргоне TIG
- Сварка проволокой MIG
- Универсальные источники
- Импульсные источники
- Сварка под флюсом
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- Плазменная резка
- Вытяжные системы
- Сварочные агрегаты
- Сварочные аксессуары
- Сварочные горелки MIG
- Сварочные горелки TIG
- Расходные запчасти
- Горелки для резки
- Сварочные кабели
- Системы охлаждения
Комплексы автоматизации
Средства защиты
Газосварочное оборудование


 CleanArc MC100

- Featuring self-cleaning, CleanArc MC100 enables fume and dust extraction in environments where metal and plastic welding, cutting, grinding and polishing processes are performed..

- CleanArc MC100 has 3-stage filtering system and the, air first flows from spark arrester and reaches to the main filter where large particles are filtered. Finally it is filtered through the active carbon filter and by this way vast majority of the particles are cleaned completely.

- CleanArc MC100, which can be equipped with 2,3 or 4 meters self supporting fume extraction arms. CleanArc MC100 can also be used with flexible extraction arms supported with spiral steel wire as a more affordable option.


 CleanArc M100E

- CleanArc M100E mobile filter unit is a compact fume extraction and filtering unit designed for efficiently filtering the welding fume .

- CleanArc M100E has 3 stage filter casette that can filter the finest particals in the air. The fume extraction unit has a filter warning lamp and operating hour indicator.

- CleanArc M100E can be equipped with 2 or 3 meter CleanArc Eco160 extraction arms in delivery. In addition, for improving the performance CleanArc self supporting fume extraction arms can also be used as an option.

- Operating with monophase electricity, CleanArc M 100E can be used conveniently in all repair & maintenance shops, ceramic processing and small welding shops. .

- Designed for hassle-free operation for long years without any maintenance, CleanArc M100E carry a 2- year Parts & Labor warranty.


 CleanArc M200

- CleanArc M200 filter unit is a portable fume extraction system that enables operation with double fume ex traction arms. Thanks to it's easy use filter replacement and durable design CleanArc M200 works for year without any maintenance for a year.

- CleanArc M200, which can be equipped with 2 or 3 meters self supporting fume arms.In addition, it can also be used with CleanArc ECO 160 supported with spiral steel wire as a more affordable option.